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Sativa and her daughter at the Sunflower Picnic.
Go read Sativa's blog - she is a fantastic writer and I am so glad to have met her. We both go to Lux Central in Phoenix for coffee and to work - her on writing and me on editing photos. From reading pretty much every word of her blog I came to like her so very much (well from that and from talking to her).
I can't wait to read the book she is working on.
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So my idea of posting every day in 2012 went pretty well for January through April. I know I missed some days here and there, but had a post for most of them. But by May, I missed a bunch of days and now it's already the third day of June.
I am going to try to start posting every day again.
I just got on Instagram, so I think, possibly I will be posting a bunch of Instagram pics and blogging more about what I am doing.
{Pic: I went swimming earlier and on the way to the pool I passed these palm trees as the moon was rising.}
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Jennifer and Jennifer and Amy.
People on the roof were really excited about how their shadows were shimmery and just kind of weird.
Me. Thanks, Amy, for taking a picture of me.
The eclipse through really thick, dark plastic that one of the people on the roof handed to me, asking if I could take a picture through it.
The sunset after the eclipse.
Posted in Eclipse, Arizona, May 20, 2012, Post a day in 2012 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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Lately I am going back and looking at old projects and blog posts that I put in a draft form and never published.
This is one photoshoot that I never have shown anyone (except the woman I was shooting for.)
It's of Briana's Quince Años and it's from 2008.
I was the second photographer for Kim, who later became one of my brides. It was early November, right around the time of the presidential election, actually I think the weekend before the election. I remember it was really hot for November.
It was the first time I had done multiple photo sessions in one weekend, it was the first time I shot with a 135 mm Canon L 2.0 lens (LOVE that lens more that I can say) and it was the first time I carried two cameras around so that I wouldn't have to constantly change lenses. All stuff I still do today. So I feel I learned a lot from this shoot. I remember being obsessed with looking for leading lines, framing and the rule of thirds idea - and I am looking at these images now and realizing I got tons of portraits. It can be really hard to balance out the need for portraits and what I LOVE to do and really want to do, which is take photojournalistic shots that employ the rules I just listed.
I look at these photos and wonder what would I do differently if I was photographing this Quince today. I know my Photoshopping processing has changed a lot. I know more ways to use photoshop; I also have way more Photoshop tools and a better sense of how I like images to look. And I also know more about getting the right color balance. But I still really like them, and I absolutely love this first one - I would say it has that "decisive moment" quality that one of my favorite photographers Henri Cartier-Bresson talked about and was always on the look out for. Plus it has the framing I remember being obsessed with finding!
ALL OF the rest of the text is from when I first started making this blog post, from 3.5 years ago.
All of Briana's court, her godparents and and many of her relatives met up at Heritage Square in Phoenix before going to the church, so we got group photos.
Briana's cousins
Briana's cousin and her aunt:
Briana and all her girls!
Briana and her cousin rode to the church in the coolest classic car. Where ever Briana went her little cousin went with her. You could tell they were really close.
Briana helping her mom get ready.
Her parents escorting her into the church.
And then two more thru the door before the ceremony began.
I love how this image looks in black and white.
After the ceremony at the church, everyone went back to Heritage Square and the big birthday party celebration was getting started.
By the end of the night, hundreds and hundreds of friends, family, teachers, and classmates showed up for Briana's birthday.
Briana and all the boys and girls who made up her Court went and waited in a garden courtyard area before they were all called out and introduced at the banquet.
They all had to wait a pretty long time and at first all the kids were pretty calm and quiet but after a while it got a little crazy, but totally fun, too
It was cute to see these three transform from being totally silly to very on-their-best-behavior as they walked out into the crowd.
Briana entering with her parents.
Briana holding the doll, her "last doll" that she gave to her little cousins as part of the ceremony. Her dad was placing high heels on her feet.
Some of the guests watching.
Briana's little brother gave a sweet speech that had everyone laughing.
The Quinceañera dancing with her Chambelan.
Briana with her mom. To me this has kinda a glamourous, old Hollywood movie feel to it.
This little brother and sister were so cute.
They had been enjoying the whole day, but by now it was almost midnight and they had fallen asleep, which was kinda amazing because the DJ was still playing really loud dance music.
I left the party around midnight and as I was leaving I looked across 7th St at the Monroe School, which was built in 1913. It's still a place for kids, it's now the Children's Museum of Phoenix. I've never been there, but it looks like fun, except at night it looks a little haunted, with lights in different colors turning on and off. I stopped and got some slow shutter speed images of cars driving past the building, that's what those streaks of light in front of the building are.
Are you planning a Quince and need a photographer? Email [email protected] to get more information about my photography. :)
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The sunflowers at the Valley of the Sunflowers have started to bloom!
Which means it's time for a Sunflower Picnic.
Here's an image from my cell phone of the first blooms this Spring at the Valley of the Sunflowers. Can you tell how hot and hazy the day is just by looking at this pic? Hot in the hundreds and hazy from the fires around the state. I took this picture yesterday at the VOS. I was so excited to read that the sunflowers had started to bloom and I had to go see. Some of them are already so tall.
One of Hillary's cats. I always see him and his cat-friend hunting/lounging/wandering around the VOS.
I wanted to see what this photo would like if I processed it to look like a daguerrotype.
All of the photos below are from December 2011.
The ones of Hillary and me are from December 2nd and the others are from December 28th. (Not that I remember the dates - I just looked at the metadata.)
For some reason, I wasn't wearing shoes at the VOS. I have no idea why. I do remember it was pretty cold that day.
What I remember about taking photos with Hillary is that it rained for a while. And that Hillary waited patiently while I cleared photos of my kitten Kiki off of my completely full memory card, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to take pictures.
Hillary, you are so beautiful.
Thanks for taking photos of me! I always feel like I never have any photos of myself, because I am always the one taking the pictures.
Daguerrotype-style photos of Hillary and me.
The light that December day was amazing.
I like how you can see the Westward Ho to the west in this photo.
By the time I took the photos below it was SO very dark that the images did not come out all that well. I tried working with them in Photoshop, but wasn't really liking what I was getting, so I changed them to look like old daguerrotypes, which I think really makes them more readable and just kind of cool looking. If you know anyone in the photos, tell them to come see their pics. And if they are of you, please copy/save them to your computer.
Sean is in the middle of this image. He's one of the project managers.
Georgina the hen. She lives at the Growhouse. She didn't really care for me taking her picture.
She was like, Girl, why are you chasing me around with that toy camera? Don't you know news station camera crews with 50 K video cameras have been out to see me?!?
Kenny. One of the VOS project managers.
I kinda wish I could own this painting that is on the Growhouse wall.
I would love to get to see it everyday, first thing in the morning.
There's a work day at the VOS this Saturday if you want to come help out:
Copy and paste:
or click HERE to sign up to attend.
And if you liked this post, click that LIKE button down there; it let's me know people actually read this!
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The images and the text below the images are from a few years ago, I am re-posting a bunch of stuff lately.
I took photos of the moon and the peaches on my tree, posted it and a girl named Tina came across my blog and told me she wanted peaches, so even though I hadn't met her yet (at least I don't think I had), I brought her peaches to a photographer meet-up that we were both attending. And later on she second-shot weddings at the Renaissance Festival and Ashley Manor for me.
Moral of the story: tell me you want peaches off my tree and eventually you will get to work with me on photographing weddings.
I LOVE giving people peaches off my tree this time of year. They are so ridiculously good - hot and juicy and peach-i-liciously amazing, there's nothing like them.
The peaches came a week earlier than they usually do this year (Climate change in my backyard???). Every other year they have come on the trees on about May 20th and last til about May 25th before the birds get them.
I've started making a peach cobbler in the kitchen and am kind of editing photos at the same time, going back and forth between the two things.....wishing this Sunday evening wouldn't end, you know what I mean?
Text from May '09:
Moonrise, fairy grass, new peaches on the tree.
I was so surprised to see the moon tonight. Does that happen to you? The evening that it is full or almost full, the first time I see it in the sky, my eyes pop out, my head swings back to stare up at it, I know I am making it sound a bit cartoonish, but I am always surprised to see it, kinda it's an alien in the sky, a UFO or something, like oh my goodness what is that up there? Oh yes, the moon. Why, Hello Moon!
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While my sister and mom looked all over the store and were ready to move on to the store next door, I got lost looking at tiny old photos in a cigar box. Hundreds of photos. After a while I figured they must have all been from the same large family. Some had words and dates written on the back; a lot of them didn't. I decided I wanted some, and I would have gotten all of them if I could have, but I had to narrow it down to just a few, so you'll see the ones I got, along with my musings about them.
When I went to purchase them, the store owner told me a few things. I think I will have to go back to the store and ask her about them again, because all that stuck in my head was that one of the men in the family died tragically in a car accident traveling to Florida for vacation. They were a family living in West Orange, New Jersey during the Great Depression and they vacationed in Cuba. Of all the things the store owner told me, the vacationing in Cuba part really stuck out to me, because, can you imagine, pre-Communist Cuba? That sounds so dreamy.
So, here they are -->
This photo was taken on July 9th, 1944, which would have been a Sunday. War time - just weeks before in France allied troops had landed at Normandy and just a few days after the 4th of July. I wonder if they were all together for a big event, like a birthday, or just for Sunday dinner, or did they always have this many family members around. Looking at this photo just seems like looking at Summer. I can feel the humid hotness and how long the day was just looking at this. I love the summer dresses the women are wearing. There's an address on the back of this photo and when I typed it into Google maps, it took me to a neighborhood in New Jersey. I looked at the street view and saw a big white house in a neighborhood. I so wonder if it was theirs. It seemed really kind of surreal and strange to be able to type their address into Google and maybe come across their house.
Big family photos can be so challenging to take, but looking at one like this makes me realize what an awesome keepsake they are and why people really want them.
Merle Lawrence went to the shore (the Jersey Shore maybe?) in 1931, possibly in June. I wish I could see her face closer. How old does she look? I'm thinking she looks kind of young, 14 or 15 maybe. I actually love how the the girl and the car are centered so much in the middle of the frame. So, I was writing this and thinking, Wait, is Merle even a girl's name? The back of the photo says Merle Lawrence 6-1931. So then I looked up the name Merle on some baby name website and it says that Merle is the French word for blackbird and that between 1910 and 1920, Merle was the 323rd most common name for girls and the 198th most common name for boys. By 1979, it was the 993rd most popular name for boys and didn't even rank in the top 1000 for girls. I think it's pretty. Maybe time to bring it back! I think it would make a good middle name.
"Elizabeth Smith, 1919" is what the back of this one reads. This photo got picked because she is petting the dog, who looks like a big puppy. I am really curious about where she is at. Was she on vacation? Is that a cabin or a house behind her? The land looks kinda swampy, like South Georgia or the Western-Northern part of Florida.
The man in the middle - does he have two pipes in his mouth? And is she turning back to see him doing that? I picture the guy with the camera being like, Here, hold this, while I take a picture and she's turning back to laugh. This photo immediately got picked because of the man taking a photograph of whoever was taking a photograph of him. They look like they hiked up to this mountain top area on a windy afternoon for picnicking. Anyone have any idea where they might be? It would probably be somewhere in New York or New Jersey...
And here they are again, posing more properly for the photo, but with the boxy camera laying on the ground, a detail I love. What decade do you think this was?
This one has the date Sunday July 11, 1926 on the back. And that was enough for me to want it because what could be more perfect than a Sunday in July (no matter what decade)? She looks so flapper perfect. They look so style-y, like they were all friends with Tom and Daisy and got invited over all the time to Jay Gatsby's place that one summer a few years back.
See the heart carved in the tree? Love that. I am always on the look out when I take photos of hearts, or something that suggests the shape of a heart. I also like how the shadow of the photographer is just a little bit in the frame. Looks like early Spring, maybe? Since leaves haven't really come on the trees, but her dress doesn't look like something you would wear in the fall. Did she turn her head to the side to get the cute hair style and barrette in the image?
So this guy here kind of looks like the Cake Boss to me. Kind of. A younger version of Buddy Valastro. I don't exactly watch that show, but nevertheless it seems to always be on television, so I think I have seen a lot of it. And Oh! I just noticed something. There's a little black cat in the background. This family must have liked pets. Cats and dogs show up in a lot of their images. There's no date or text on this one.
Don't they all look so smiley and dapper and adorable? I love the men's bow ties. I think I fell in love with this family just looking at their photos. Or at least I fell in love with the stories I made up about them in my head. There's no date or words on the back of this one. What decade would you guess this one is from? They are all so dressed up and it looks like maybe it was kind of cold, but not so cold that the girl in the middle (Merle, maybe?) isn't wearing a jacket. Maybe it was Easter.
While I was looking at these photos, I thought of a song I haven't heard of in forever. Michael Stipe and Natalie Merchant sing the lyrics, about finding an old photograph and wondering about the girl in the photograph. Have you ever heard the song? It's really pretty and here are the lyrics to it:
I found this photograph,
Underneath the broken picture glass
Tender face of black and white,
Beautiful, a haunting sight
Looked into an angel's smile,
Captivated all the while
From the hair and clothes she wore,
I'd place her in between the wars
Was she willing when she sat
And posed the pretty photograph?
Save her flowering and fair,
The days to come, the days to share
A big smile for the camera,
How did she know?
The moment could be lost forever
Forever more
I found this photograph,
Stashed between the old joist walls,
In a place where time is lost,
Lost behind, where all things fall
Broken books and calendars,
Letters script in careful hand,
Music too, a standard tune by
Some forgotten big brass band
From the threshhold what's to see
Of our brave new century?
The television's just a dream,
The radio, the silver screen
A big smile for the camera,
How did she know?
The moment could be lost forever
Forever more
Was her childhood filled with rhymes,
Stolen looks, impassioned crimes?
Was she innocent or blind
To the cruelty of her time?
Was she fearful in her day,
Was she hopeful, did she pray?
Were there skeletons inside,
Family secrets, sworn to hide?
Did she feel the heat that stirs,
The fall from grace of wayward girls?
Was she tempted to pretend,
The love and laughter, 'til the end?
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It kind of cracks me up how when I take photos at the Place Where the Cottonwood Trees Grown (Nichols Park in Gilbert - it's next to Gilbert's Water Treatment Plant - and it's a huge retention basin full of trees- it's beautiful), all the kids I take photos of do two things. They find sticks and carry them around and they find snails.
Here's Aimee's son with his snail collection!
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THIS POST IS FROM JULY 2010 - I started to write it, put it in draft and never published it - finally deciding to publish it.
The evening my mom came home from the hospital after being there for about three months, I made dinner and decorated the back porch and had us eat on the back porch to celebrate. It was just a few weeks ago, back in June, but the weather was really nice that night, not hot at all. I found flowers and pretty grass growing on the side of the road, on the right of way, so I picked some of them and put them in vases. I found some tea light candles and put them in vases and glass bowls. I made a Waldorf salad and other healthy stuff and put out a table cloth and place mats made of sparkly paper. Being and eating outside makes me think of how I was constantly building forts as a kid. I was kind of obsessed with the idea of creating spaces as a child, nowadays I am just interested in seeing unique architectural spaces. But sometimes still I think it would be so fun to build a space to live in - which is why I find this article I am linking to so interesting. I read this article by Joyce Wadler in the New York Times about a woman named Sandra Foster who turned a 14' x 9' hunting cottage into this. If you click on the article, make sure to see the slide show of the inside of the cottage.
Image by TREVOR TONDRO PHOTOGRAPHY. If you click on the article, make sure to see the slide show of more photos of the inside of the cottage.
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We wandered around downtown Phoenix and got photos of Brenda and Philip - kind of Rock the Dress type photos.
The first image is outside the Phoenix Convention Center - I had been dying to use the art on the northwest side of the building as a backdrop and I finally got to. The second image is at Civic Space Park - I loved getting there right as the sun was setting and the grass! The grass there is the prettiest, greenest, spring-iest grass on the planet!
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I love how seriously April and Ed's daughter took this egg hunt.
It wasn't fun and games, it was WORK and she was a champ at it.
The eggs were cascarones, confetti-filled eggs, and after she found them, she cracked them open. And took that pretty seriously too.
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Last night I got to photograph the Arizona Blogger Convention at the Saguaro Hotel in Scottsdale.
{In a round-about way, it's because of the Valley of the Sunflowers, that I got to photograph the first event for the Phoenix Style Collective and then the AZ Blogger Convention- in a month or two, there is going to a Sunflower Picnic and a Sunflower Dinner Party - if either of those events sound like fun to you, email me at [email protected] to let me know and I will make sure you get invited. :)}
To see my first set of photos from the Conference, go to this gallery here on Dropbox or copy/paste this link into your browser.
You can save the images to your computer and then use them however you like.
When you use my photos for your blogs/online/facebook, could you give me credit by saying Brenda Eden took these photos and by linking back to my facebook page?
Thank you and hugs and kisses to you! This is the link for my facebook page:
The Phoenix Style Collective:
They gave away these bags from Madewell.
These girls pictured below are from Savante Salon - Stephanie, pictured on the left is the owner. The salon happens to be right down the street from my house in Gilbert - I definitely will be going there. They were applying hair color to the blogger's hair with these chalk-like pieces that you can buy at Savante Salon. If you go back and read my blog, you will see that back in February/March I was fascinated with the idea of making my hair rainbow colors. I used spray dye to paint it for a Saint Patrick's Day Parade that I was in and that was fun, but the chalk pieces seem so much better - the color is much more saturated and doesn't seem bad for your hair like the spray dye does.
I love the look of the Saguaro Hotel. I remember wandering in there when it was another hotel and the changes they have made seem really great for getting local people to come and visit the hotel, not just for out-of-town tourists. It's kinda retro, really bright, quirky, not too serious and definitely fun. Which made it pretty much perfect for the bright, fun, quirky, retro-y Arizona Blogger's Convention!
Interested in having me photograph you? Go HERE for more info!
Tonight I got to photograph the Phoenix Style Collective/Arizona Blogger Conference. And now I am home editing the photos.
Today was so busy. I started out the day with my friend Jennifer - we went to Aster House, the Valley of the Sunflowers, Jobot and the state capitol for an event about legislation that particularly affects women. At the Valley of the Sunflowers, Jennifer helped out by thinning the sunflowers out. I kinda didn't help out and instead went around putting sunflower transplants in coffee cups to take home and put in my garden. In this cell phone pic, I am sitting outside at Aster House on their back patio.
After all that, I came home to get ready for photographing the blogger conference.
I wanted to stay longer tonight at the conference, but I had go home to irrigate - my dad has passed away - but when he was alive, he planted a hundred trees at this house. I just went outside to turn the water in and while I was out I heard the Great Horned Owls that live in the trees around here - there are at least three of them; I've seen three at once - but from the noise they make at night, I think there are probably more.
Outside the air is so lovely and I am so tired and also a little sad I can't be in 3 or 4 places at once. Now that I am home from the AZ Blogger Conference and I've done the irrigation, I've considered going back out since tonight is my friend Amy's birthday party, my friend Suzie's fundraiser for Aids/LifeCycle and my friend-bride Heather's book club - and this month was poetry month and I was going to bring Mary Oliver poems to contribute, because I love her work. But I guess I will be staying in, because I am more than a little exhausted, even though today and tonight were really, really, really fun.
Here's a photo that Courtney McEntire took of me at the event tonight. Thanks Courtney!
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Joanne, at the Valley of the Sunflowers.
Since she was wearing blue and the sky is blue and the school building behind her is painted blue, I wanted to frame her with the building - blue, blue and more blue - I like the way it turned out.
With this image below, I was learning how to produce a tilt shift effect with Photoshop. Thanks super-awesome Jamie Carey Mulhern for showing me how.
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We went from Lux to Idylwilde to across the street from the Ellis-Shakleford Mansion to the Boutique at the Growhouse to the Salt River in Phoenix for Joanne's photos. These are from at the Growhouse. Luckily the Growhouse was open and we got some relief from the heat.
I love the hollyhocks and the light and Joanne's pink dress and how the fabric of her dress catches the light - I have this slight obsession with pink lately - and oh! I love how these came out. :)
Go read Joanne's blog!
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On this dress. Red butterflies on a navy-colored sun dress.
On tickets to see Drake at Ashley Pavillion on May 10th:
{image by John Davisson via}
and on Exposure 4 by Alien Skin Software:
{image by Peter Nguyen}
How I will probably spend it: on gas and bills. But I really didn't even think I would get a refund, so it's tempting to think about.
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Here are a few photos starring the Reece family daughter.
When I am photographing two and three year olders I know I will be running like crazy. Having to run a lot last weekend was probably a good thing - I had no idea what was coming in the week ahead - these past few days I kinda knocked myself out with exercise. Not on purpose, it just kind of happened. I went on a really long hike up in Flagstaff with my cousin, and part of it was down into a canyon and back out again. You know, at Flagstaff elevation. And then I played/practiced frisbee for 4 hours. Yes, 4 hours. And then I went to a dance practice for about an hour and a half. This is only the second weekend my mom hasn't had to be at Mayo all weekend long since sometime in February, so I think I am making up for lost time by doing a ton of stuff these past couple weekends.
So, anyways, I ran around like crazy last weekend photographing people, but it was nothing compared to the last few days. I am wondering if I will be dying tomorrow.
Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Either way, if I took Easter egg hunt/portrait session pics of you and your kids the last couple weeks, you will be getting them very soon. :)
This first image is processed so differently than how I normally process. Usually I try to go for a very natural look - ideally I would like it to look like 35 mm film images. But to "save" this image I had to over process it and over saturate it to get the image. I love how it turned out. I think it looks like a poster for this girl's life!
The next one is of her collecting eggs. The light was so perfect!
The final image is of her and her whole family and it really didn't take anything to get her dancing so cutely, just me saying Dance, Dance, Dance!
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I first met Aimee when she was working at Royal Coffee on Jackson and Second Ave. It was always such a delight to see her - I would leave my desk and walk as fast as I could to get there - and I loved that place - I loved the architecture of the place and getting to see Aimee (and Michelle, another girl who worked there) and getting cold and delish iced coffee. When Royal on Jackson closed, I lost touch with Aimee, but I finally got to see her again when I started going to Royal at the Market/the Phoenix Public Market.
Aimee and her son met me for photos at Water Ranch in Gilbert where the Cottowood trees grow and the light is always pretty. Her son hunted for cascarones (confetti filled eggs) and Aimee and I got to talk. Aimee's son started breaking the confetti all over his mama's head and I love how I got such lovely photos of Aimee.
Oh, Aimee, you are a beauty. I love the catch-light here in Aimee's eyes. We walked around a little 'til we found a place where the light would be better and catch her eyes like that.
I love eyes-closed photos. You never get to see yourself with your eyes closed and people usually look so peaceful with their eyes closed, that I just think eyes-closed photos are very nice to have. Did I just say eyes-closed enough?!
Thank you Aimee! It was a delight hanging out with you this morning, girl! :)
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Editing photos at Lux, I always am looking up the lyrics I hear in the songs they play. I bet this guy is so well known - I really like his voice - but I have never heard of him before. I like really poppy music and this is a little sloooow....but it's really pretty!
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To see kittens! My cousin's cat had kittens//To see Katrina in Cottonwood//To go to that hipster coffee place in Cottonwood//To feed ravens with my uncle//To see my aunt//To be amongst pine trees//To go hiking with my cousin//To go see the Lowell Observatory//To go see the Lowell Ash tree//To get a cafe mocha from Macy's, the Lux of Flagstaff... get pine needles to make pine needle infused sugar - you can find the directions for making Pine Needle Infused Sugar here. The idea is intriguing. I don't even know if it would taste good. But it sounds so interesting. I want to try it.
Image and info by Scott - Scott - Real Epicurean.
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I am trying to embed this video, but it's impossible to do, I am now pretty sure, after trying for quite a while. It's the dance my friend Sarai created for the Phoenix Pride Festival to do as a flash mob dance. I hope I get to dance in it with her. I have to play it over and over so I can learn it.
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Instagram photo that my friend Stacey Champion took of me in the Valley of the Sunflower fields putting sunflower seeds into the soil. (That's her daughter walking behind me.)
Posted in Post a day in 2012, Valley of the Sunflowers | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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In the morning I got to see my friends at Lux. And then in the afternoon, I got to see them again at the Castaway House. It's this house redone gorgeously by the Ranch Mine. Just click on that link to their facebook page or this link to know more about the Castaway House - but here are a few things: that girl right there, Taz Loomans, with the red purse - she was their architect of record. The light in the place was so pretty and I kept thinking I wanted to be there during a huge summer monsoon storm. It would be so cool to watch lightning and rain from the big windows of that house. Here are some cell phone pics:
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Posted in Post a day in 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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One more image from last year's Easter Egg Hunt and portrait session. I like using Photoshop to get different looks in the images I create. I was kind of going for the look of platinum here. Platinum is so beautiful, you can read about it here. Also, her hair was pretty fly-a-way, so I fixed it a little bit, but left some of the fly-aways, because I like the way it looks. I do a lot of what I think of as "behind the scenes" photoshopping for my client's images. I don't usually even get around to telling people what I did to the images to make them look a certain way, but that's just something to know: If I take your photos, I spend a big chunk of time making them look awesome in Photoshop. You will never get images from me that are just straight out of the camera. I work on them a lot!
I love her long feather earrings. I kept telling her that over and over. You can read Tricia's blog here.
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I went here to take photos for my other work; I was working on our website and needed a photo of an outfall. So I went to the prettiest place down in the Salt River. It's gorgeous there, I will definitely be going back there to do portraits. Email me at [email protected], if you would like to set up a portrait session where the cottonwood trees grow in Phoenix.
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Posted in Phoenix Style Collective, Post a day in 2012 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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You can read Heather's blog here.
I met Heather at the Phoenix Style Collective and we have emailed back and forth a bit since then. She is just so very cool, I am glad to have met her.
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