Last night I got to photograph the Arizona Blogger Convention at the Saguaro Hotel in Scottsdale.
{In a round-about way, it's because of the Valley of the Sunflowers, that I got to photograph the first event for the Phoenix Style Collective and then the AZ Blogger Convention- in a month or two, there is going to a Sunflower Picnic and a Sunflower Dinner Party - if either of those events sound like fun to you, email me at [email protected] to let me know and I will make sure you get invited. :)}
To see my first set of photos from the Conference, go to this gallery here on Dropbox or copy/paste this link into your browser.
You can save the images to your computer and then use them however you like.
When you use my photos for your blogs/online/facebook, could you give me credit by saying Brenda Eden took these photos and by linking back to my facebook page?
Thank you and hugs and kisses to you! This is the link for my facebook page:
The Phoenix Style Collective:

They gave away these bags from Madewell.

These girls pictured below are from Savante Salon - Stephanie, pictured on the left is the owner. The salon happens to be right down the street from my house in Gilbert - I definitely will be going there. They were applying hair color to the blogger's hair with these chalk-like pieces that you can buy at Savante Salon. If you go back and read my blog, you will see that back in February/March I was fascinated with the idea of making my hair rainbow colors. I used spray dye to paint it for a Saint Patrick's Day Parade that I was in and that was fun, but the chalk pieces seem so much better - the color is much more saturated and doesn't seem bad for your hair like the spray dye does.

I love the look of the Saguaro Hotel. I remember wandering in there when it was another hotel and the changes they have made seem really great for getting local people to come and visit the hotel, not just for out-of-town tourists. It's kinda retro, really bright, quirky, not too serious and definitely fun. Which made it pretty much perfect for the bright, fun, quirky, retro-y Arizona Blogger's Convention!

Interested in having me photograph you? Go HERE for more info!