On the morning of my birthday, I went and took photos of this tree that catches the light in the most amazing way. I drive by it almost every morning and pretty much almost crash my car every morning to get a quick glimpse of the light from the sunrise lighting up the pink-purple flowers.
While I was taking photos a woman walked by with her three rescued dogs. She stopped and told me that she thought this purple-pink-catch-the-light-in-the-most-amazing-way tree was beautiful too. Then she picked some of the flowers (which looked like they had seeds on them) and said she would take them back to her mom, because her mom could plant and make anything grow. Anything. So then I asked her if I could take photos of the dogs. This little girl here was the only who would really stay still long enough to have her picture taken. Her doggie outfit matched the tree. The woman told me the stories of the three dogs and when I say these dogs were rescued, I really mean it - their stories were really awful.
So that was a fun way to start my birthday: going to see a tree and getting to hear stories that in the end ended with happily ever after.