The other morning I was driving south on 3rd Street near Roosevelt Row in Phoenix when I saw this creation out of the corner of my eye.
It was still dark and all the lights were still on in all the buildings, but the sunrise was just about to start, and there was a light wind blowing the sail of the ship. For a millionth of a second it really was a pirate ship and it really seemed like it was moving and all these images of Peter Pan and Captain Hook, the Dawn Treader, and the Pirates of the Caribbean came to mind. All the buildings with all their lights on seemed like cities on distant mountains across the ocean.
I came back a few days later to get photos of it. Their was a blimp circling overhead the whole time I was there, and so it's in most of these images.
I would love to know who made this. But I also love it being a mystery. So, if you know, I'm not exactly asking you to tell me who made it.
Note to self: getting really low to the ground with my camera gets me images like this. And I really like images like this (the one below.)
I love how changing your location/angle totally changes what you can get image-wise. See the grass in the images above? That's the grass here and it looks like reeds on a shore to me. I like how you can see the green light from the traffic light and the power lines, kind of ruining the illusion, but not really.
*Okay, maybe just a Met Life Blimp, but in my mind it's a Steampunk dirigible.