I went to the book signing for the book Downtown Phoenix, written by J Seth Anderson, Suad Mahmuljin, and Jim McPherson and took photos of Seth.
Seth writes for the Downtown Phoenix Journal and here on his blog Boy Meets Blog
You can buy Downtown Phoenix here.
The book signing was at Hanny's, which is such a cool space and I love going there. If you go there, you have go upstairs to the restrooms and downstairs into the basement - both are very unique - you will see what I mean! In what other restaurant do you actually get to explore the space? I can think of some others, but not many.
Hanny's is very cool, but also very dark, so I wasn't sure how good my images would be, since I didn't bring my flash. So when images are too dark, this is what I do: make sure to always shoot in Camera Raw, so that I can manipulate the image by turning up exposure, the fill light, and brightness, amongst other things. Then in Photoshop, I ran the action (from Totally Rad Actions) called Antique Tone twice at hundred percent and merged the two layers. I love the warm tone it created, and really think it fits what Seth is wearing (cool hat, Seth!)