The light of October is so super gorgeous. In October you should never come inside. So I tried to stay outside as much as possible all October long. Here are a few images taken with a tilt shift lens that I rented from Tempe Camera. The first is my sister at Agritopia. The others are my cat Baby and a pumpkin carving party I went to at a friends house.
When I am taking photographs I am always on the look out for what seems to me like a magical moment. Something about the mix of color and light and emotion and angles and subject all have to seem magical and enchanting and fairy-tale-like for me to pursue it with photography. Or at least they have to have a hint of magicalness. I might not always capture it or even be aware of it, but it's always fun to be searching for it. I don't always know it 'til I see it. And I think sometimes I don't see it, but capture it anyways and only realize I captured it later, because I have that filter in my head to make me search for that. Okay, these are REALLY jumbled thoughts, and I need to think of a better way to explain them.
But anyways....what magical and enchanting things have you seen this month?