We finally went to the Apple store at San Tan Village last week. Seeing all their gleaming, gorgeous computers made me really hopeful. They cost so much, but know that they will make our business so much better. I can hardly wait to get one, even though I still do have to wait!
I just changed the theme of this blog. Typepad has dozens to choose from and while I intend to create my own picture banner for the blog sometime soon, I think it's fun to play around with what typepad offers. I also plan to make a logo/brand/wording that says eden photography. I came across a free online font website, full of thousands of different types of fonts and after looking at about a kazillion of them I found a few that I absolutely loooved. They were so gorgeous I could hardly take my eyes off of them.
Here are a couple pictures we took of our friend Loisann up in Flagstaff a few weeks ago. We were walking in the downtown area just to look around and shop but after Lois bought the hat she is wearing and we came across this alley and this pink door, we had to start taking lots and lots of pictures.